Monday, March 22, 2010

Random pics and videos for Grandmas

Cole misses his Grandmas. What's more, I miss his grandmas missing his moments! So here are a few!

Utah Jazz Buzz Lightyear Batman

My favorite new thing that Cole said to me this week:

Cuddled up in my lap one morning, Cole put his little hand on my face and said with a look of disappointment,

"Honey? I wish that I had a brother and a sister."

I replied, "I wish you did, too, Cole."

He thought for a second and said, "But, Honey?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I am just so happy that I have a honey and a daddy."


  1. Oh that "honey and daddy" comment tugged at my heart! What a sweet little boy you have.

  2. Way to make me cry. I can't wait to have the boys play together this summer.

  3. what a bunch of gems! i love his sweet comment, his "that doesn't make sense" when you messed with his dino lineup, and his rad wigglin dance moves. what a great guy. and that picture of you two snugglin is a treasure. wonderful!

  4. LOVE HIM! I am glad he has a honey and a daddy too! no one knows how to love like ashley rad and that makes you the best mommy around.

    are you planning on moving west any time soon? we need an ashley update so we can plan a get together. hope you are hanging in there.
