Monday, April 6, 2009

BOSTON! Bring it on!

To Boston, we go! Regan, Cole, and I are moving to Boston for the summer! Regan is going to sell APX security systems there. Kev & Rach, and Scott & Alicia are coming too, so it will be great to have fam around when I have my sicker days. I am so excited to visit my old mission and visit all of the historical sites that I didn't get to see on my mission. I just may have to stay away from wooded areas so I don't get Lyme Disease again!! We really hope this will be a great experience for us to live somewhere exciting and HOPEFULLY pay off some of these medical bills!! I'm nervous to leave my doctors, but I'm excited that I actually feel well enough to go. My health has come such a long way since last year. I've been fighting off some new bacterias and the aftermath of having so many antibiotics for the last 3 years, that it's tough to know what is causing what anymore. But I feel very hopeful for the future, and that hasn't been the case for me in a really long time. I feel very grateful. We leave in 3 weeks, and will get home at the end of August. We're so excited!!

As for Cole, I could write about him all day. He cracks me up all of the time. He likes to put on my robe and say, "Honey, Cole's a princess!" I would be worried, but he also loves to play swords with sticks like "Poopy Pan". The other day I gave him a fruit snack from a big box and he said, "Honey. Zats from Costco?" How in the world does he pick up on things like that? Hilarious.
So here are some random pics of Cole since last post. Have fun! In case you wonder what Cole keeps saying in the video, he is saying, "Hun, Hun. . .", which is his shortened version of "Honey". He better call me Honey till the day I die. I love it.


  1. yay! boston is way closer to pittsburgh than utah! we will so come out and visit you! and i just love that cole calls you honey.

  2. ooh! That would be so fun to see you guys! I wish we had time to drive through Pittsburgh on the way, but we have to get there as fast as possible when Regan gets out of school. Maybe on the way back?

  3. My brother and his fam are going to NY with APX.It seems like a good company. I am excited for you! As for "honey", THAT IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Also, I wish you just got lemon disease instead of Lyme. ;)

  4. Have so much fun in Boston! It'll be great. Cole is such a cutie pie. I LOVE the age that Jack and Cole are right now. Always entertaining.

  5. What a giggly boy! :) He looks so much like Regan in that first picture, its funny!
    Ya for us and Boston! I am getting very anxious!!!

  6. That video is adorable! I LOVE that he calls you Honey! He must here Regan calling you that! Congrats on Boston! I have never been there but it looks wonderful. So glad you are feeling better in bits.

  7. Absolutely hilarious! I am going to miss you guys so much!...

  8. That is so cute that he calls you honey!! How funny! Well that is so fun that you guys get to go out to Boston! I'm so jealous!

  9. How awesome that you are going to live in Boston. I'm totally jealous! I'm glad you're feeling a lot better. Love that he calls you honey. What a cutie pie.
