Friday, February 13, 2009

Cole is officially a Toddler

Our child is officially in the "terrible twos" stage! In the past month he has almost broken his nose, fallen out of his crib, gotten a black eye, taken a razor blade to his face, had a double ear infection and strep, broke through his 3rd and 4th molars, and had two E.R. visits. Not only that, but we finally took the binky away, which was long overdo. Needless to say, we didn't sleep for a few weeks! As sad as this is for poor Cole-bert, (and scary for us parents), I must say that it's been pretty darn hilarious. These pictures will show the craziness that is Cole as a toddler.


  1. Oh my goodness! That's one colorful face. Good luck keeping up with him!

  2. oh my! i remember that stage. i was always embarrassed to take my kids out in public because they looked so abused! he's taken it to a whole new level though. what a cute little spunker.

  3. Freakin awesome pics Ash! I still can't believe the face...

  4. Too much fun, I love the pics. Gravity is not on Gabe's side at all and I remember the days of constant bruises, bumps and scrapes all over. Just wait till summer and he goes outside to play. It's harder out there!

  5. Holy Cow! He has been into some trouble! I hope he is better behaved for ya in Boston!!!

  6. I SOOO remember those days! No one ever told me that my children would go through the phase of looking like they were being beaten at home! We had black eyes, fat lips, butched hair, and bruises galore! At least you got some great pictures to show him when he's older!

  7. oh my gosh! hehe, welcome to this embarrassing and cringe inducing era.


  8. I remember taking Anika to the Doctor at 1 year for a checkup. He looked at all the little bruises on her legs and said, "That's what I like to see. It shows she is an active toddler." I was relieved.
    But, you know, the lipstick and eye-shadow look isn't his best.
