Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas!!

This is Cole with cousin, Ellie, on Halloween. Then we have Regan all ready to serve tables at Carrabbas. We have a bet going on who pulls the costume off better. Father or son??


We had so much fun at the Ranch for Thanksgiving this year. It was Cole's first year hunting for Christmas trees on Boulder Mountain, which is a big Thanksgiving tradition for us. Mostly he just sat and ate the snow, but he seemed to rather enjoy it. I was so excited to feel well enough to go this year, as last year I did not. It's great to see that I'm making progress!

When we got back from the mountain, we held up our carcasses to display. I wonder whose apartment is the smallest? That would be ours on the far right. Aunt Sandy had us all write poems about what we were thankful for this year and read them in a program after dessert. It reminded me of the good ol days when Grandma Hale made us perform all the time, whether we had talent or not. Some of the poems were hilarious. But I stuck to what I do best: making people cry. Read it and weep.

This year has been one of those years,
full of hardship and multiple tears.
We thought two-thousand-eight
was going to be great;
but instead every day I fought fear.

The battle of health is a hard one.
But now that I'm better, I know,
that trials bring multiple blessings
and ways that the Lord helps you grow.

I'm grateful for smiles of encouragement;
for outreaching hands full of love.
I'm grateful for those who have prayed to bring help
from angels and spirits above.

I'm grateful for family who loves me,
and fights each day right by my side.
Especially for my dear husband,
whose patience is greater than mine.

Last but not least, I am grateful for Cole,
who was sent to me special from heaven.
Whose sweet kisses and hugs
have helped me every day
to survive;
not give up;
and love living.


Last, we have our 'Rad' Christmas party where Cole got to dress up like a shepherd. He was so excited about it, he talked about it all day. Well, not so much talking as "Grandma's house! Shepherd! Fun! Baby Jesus! Presents!" I'm just glad "baby Jesus" made it in there somewhere. Grandpa came out with his costume to give presents from Santa. Usually he comes as "The Christmas Fairy", but this year he came as "The Christmas Elf". It was pretty dang hilarious. Ah, Radebaugh. Merry Christmas every one! And a Happy New Year, to the whole world!


  1. your poem did make me cry, would have been worse if i were there to hear it in person. sure hope 2009 sees ya kicking being sick's bum!

  2. Ash, I can just tell from the pics that you are doing better. HOORAY! A Beatles song just popped in my head "Got to admit it's getting better, getting better all the time. It can't get much worse." Hope you continue to recover (and quickly)! Love you lots.

  3. What a wonderful post! Glad you're doing better. You look great. Loved the pictures, commentary, and your poem. Your dad makes an awesome elf!

  4. I'm late on this Ash...but I sure do admire you. Your poem was very moving...I've never been great with words so I just really love it when people can express feelings through poetry. Beautiful! It looks like that you've had some good old fashioned fun these last few months and I'm glad for that! Keep on bloggin- I love getting a peek at what's going on with all of you up in Utah! Boy I miss living there!

  5. i'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better.

