Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wow! I've updated my blog!!!

Well, it's been a while since I've "blogged." Since my last blog, lots has dumped on the Whimpey family. After my appendix surgery, Regan had to get his gall bladder taken out. Two weeks later, he broke his hand in what he likes to call a "sports related injury", and what I like to call "getting mad at the Jazz and punching the refridgerator." In his defense, he was coming off of pain killers. So he had another surgery (his 3rd this year) to get pins put in his hand. I had a few more ER visits for who knows what, and now we are finally feeling like things are settling down.

I haven't been feeling well with my Lyme Disease. It was causing lots of pain to where I was taking pain killers around the clock. The nausea has been pretty rough too. So my doctor decided to take a different, more aggressive approach. He had a PICC line placed in my arm, which is kind of like a permanent IV. The tube goes up my arm and down by my heart. I am delivered antibiotics and nausea medication every week, and inject it myself every day. This is a better alternative to oral medication because it bypasses the stomach and doesn't make me quite as sick. The antibiotic I am taking is supposed to be the best for Lyme too. According to the studies I've read, 55% of those with Lyme improve from their symptoms after 30 days of this treatment; and of those 55%, 50% never have symptoms again! The other 50% just have to do the treatment again every 6 months. So we are hoping and praying that this will work. All your prayers would be appreciated!! Especially because my insurance won't cover this (apparently Lyme Disease is incurable, therefore not worth treating), so we are paying $120/day to do this. Yikes!

I am living with my mom so she and Mel and can take care of Cole and I for the next month. Poor Regan! I miss him so much! But mom and Mel have been such an amazing help to us. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family. Cole and baby Jack have so much fun playing together every day. I have some pics and videos you're welcome to view! Hope all is well with everyone. Hopefully it won't be 6 months before I write again!

Cole at the Ranch. Sometimes he gets mad that he can't actually get in the truck.

This is Cole playing with Scott and Alicia's dog, Izzy. The first minute is boring, but I guarantee it will be worth the wait! Cole's got some mad talking skills going on these days!!

Although Cole and Jack love each other, they also love bossing each other around. Here is Cole pushing Jack down the slide, and then his linebacker tackle, which his dad is rather proud of.

I promised Kev and Rach I would send a video of Cole's long hair and him talking. I got him to do a few colors for you!


  1. Wow, you have had a lot going on! I hope things will get better for you. It's great to see your beautiful family!

  2. ya!!!! updated!!!! so happy!!!! Cole and Jack are hilarious...cute videos and pics! I think you should call your blog "and all because of a damn tic".
    hope the treatment works! love you!

  3. Hey Ash- I'm so glad you updated! I've been thinking a lot about you guys! I'm sorry to hear of all of your health struggles- especially so close together! I'm sure your mom and Mel LOVE having you guys around! Hopefully these treatments will work wonders for you- you sure deserve it! The boys are getting so big and seem to get along SO well! Lucky to be so close to family! Only another 7 weeks for me and baby girl Kimball will be on the way! YIKES! We are so excited!

  4. cole is so smart ans so cute! and what a great dog to just sit there and let him play and poke and pinch. ;-D

    it sounds like they've finally got the best treatment for you. hopefully you'll be feeling back to your self again.


  5. Wow Ashley I can't believe what you've been going through! I have to admit you are the first person I have ever even heard of getting lyme disease. It sounds crazy, good luck with the treatments, and I hope you get relief soon. On a happier note, your little boy is darling, i'm sure he keeps you busy! keep in touch.

  6. Yeah for updating! :) I just loved the videos!!! Izzy and Lilly were sitting next to me when I watched the one with Cole and Izzy and the dogs were so interested, it was funny! I can't believe how fast he flew down the slide and I loved hearing his little sweet voice say his colors! What a smarty pants! Cohen has already said (Mom and Dad) dog, fish, tickle and ball! This happened in the last week or so! Plus he signs "all done". We are working on more instead of screaming. We will see how that goes.
    I REALLY hope this treatment can get you to a place of remission and even better, recovery! Your in my prayers! Let me know if you need help with Cole ever. He was great that day I had him. Plus I would love to see you as well! I agree with Tracy's suggestion for your blog title! Ha Ha!

  7. I thought I would check your blog, just in case. I am so glad you posted again!! It is wonderful that you have a new treatment with your Lyme. I hope you feel better and better every day. You are definitely in my prayers. What a smart and grown up little boy. So cute! If I haven't sent you an invite to our blog, just email at Love ya!!
