Monday, January 28, 2008

Ode to Cole

First of all, I realize that I am biased by saying that my child is the cutest kid I've ever seen. But I feel the strong need to share his photos with all of my family and friends anyway. I cannot get enough of him. He makes me smile every day, and is truly the reason I keep going. It is so hard to pass him off to people when I am ill, because I miss all of the amazingly funny things he does. It makes me smile to find my hairbrush in the spoon drawer after a week of not being able to find it. It cracks me up when he dances all around whenever 'Blue's Clues' comes on the t.v. It melts my heart when he gives me a kiss when I ask him to. But mostly I just love how he seems to know that I am sick. He seems to go easier on me on days when I am really ill. Those are the days when he cuddles with me for hours to watch t.v. and read story books. How does he know to give me extra hugs on those days when he is so young? I don't know, but I do know that he is the greatest blessing in me and my husband's life.


  1. Cole is such a cutie! I just discovered the "Blue's Clues" show and the hypnotic mode that it puts kids into. Jack loves it.

  2. Oh my gosh! Those are the cutest pictures of Cole! I can't believe what a big boy he is! We really miss you guys and I would love to help you out in anyway you need, just ask! Aren't our little boys the BEST!!! How did we enjoy life without them?

  3. I can't believe how big he is getting! He is so cute!! It seems like forever since we saw you all last!!

  4. Ash, your babe is really cute...
    He's so you..
    Henrique Saucedo

  5. hey, i'm glad to see you've got a blog. but um, you need to update it! ;-D

    i'm really sad to hear about your sickness, it sounds so miserable. keep your chin up. how are you feeling now?
